Spiritual & Social Action

Unity brings us together through both spiritual and social action.

The Nature of Humankind

We are each individual, eternal expressions of God. Our essential nature is divine and, therefore, inherently good. We aim to express our divine potential as realized and demonstrated by Jesus and other master teachers. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives.

Spiritual Action

In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal example and active service in our churches, communities, and world.

Social Action

Together, we are stronger. Your generosity can take many forms, including sharing your time with others. Working within our communities brings us together. If you are interested in volunteering with one of our teams to help keep our church and grounds maintained, or perhaps you would like to assist in our bookstore, please complete the form below.

Audio Ministry Teams
Bookstore Ministry Team
Hospitality Ministry Team
Men's Ministry (Meets every 2nd Sunday)
Music Ministry
Platform Associates
Prayer Chaplains
Ushers and Greeters
Wellness Ministry
Women's Ministry
Youth Education (ages 3-18)

Blood Pressure Checks

Every 3rd Sunday
The Wellness Ministry consists of Registered Nurses and Assistants trained by the NYC Dept. of Health.
This service is complimentary.

Toastmasters Club

Meets on the 1st and 3rd Wed from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm via Zoom.

To Register, please visit: https://unityeast.toastmastersclubs.org/

Toastmasters International helps adults ages 18 years or older learn and enhance the art and skills of speaking, listening, and thinking. These skills help promote self-actualization, enhance leadership, greater understanding of self and others, and contribute to the betterment of humankind.